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发布日期:2024-11-03 00:00 来源: 点击:



  1. 材料与工艺保障耐用性

    • 睿米标准漏孔采用自研的 RMI - MTC™微通道毛细管工艺,其接近理想圆管(50nm - 200μm),孔径均匀且遵循流导规律,没有方向性,这使得漏孔在长期使用过程中不易出现因结构问题导致的损坏。例如,传统玻璃拉丝工艺或金属压扁工艺制作的漏孔,由于孔径不均匀且有方向性,在长期承受压力或受到轻微物理冲击时,更容易发生变形或损坏,从而缩短使用寿命。而睿米的工艺确保了漏孔结构的稳定性,能够承受更大的压力和环境变化,延长了产品的有效使用期限。

    • RMI - Metal™金属密封工艺的应用,使漏孔的密封性能领先业界 5 - 6 个量级,达到 < 1x10 -,有效解决了气体吸附性问题。这种高质量的密封不仅保证了漏孔在使用过程中的稳定性,还防止了外界因素对漏孔内部结构的侵蚀,进一步提高了产品的耐用性,使其能够在复杂环境下长时间稳定工作。

  2. 性能稳定延长有效使用期

    • 其漏率稳定性极佳,温度系数仅为 0.1%/℃,几乎不受温度变化影响。这意味着在不同的工作温度环境下,睿米标准漏孔的漏率始终保持相对稳定,不会因温度波动而出现性能急剧下降或失效的情况。相比之下,传统漏孔在温度变化时,漏率可能会发生较大偏差,导致测量不准确,进而影响整个系统的正常运行,加速产品的损耗和老化,缩短使用寿命。

    • 睿米标准漏孔的抗震、抗摔、抗高压冲击能力强,如可承受暴力测试(如跌落、砸摔、冷冻测试等)后仍能正常工作。在实际应用场景中,无论是运输过程中的颠簸、安装时的操作不当,还是在正常使用过程中可能遇到的意外冲击,睿米漏孔都能保持良好的性能,减少了因物理损坏而导致的寿命缩短风险,确保了长期稳定的使用。


  1. 极低衰减减少补气与校准频率

    • 睿米标准漏孔的衰减率极低,<1×10⁻⁶mbar・L/sec 的有源漏孔可实现生命周期无需补气免维护,5×10⁻²mbar・L/sec 的结合零体积阀体也可数年无需补气。这与其他品牌漏孔形成鲜明对比,其他品牌可能需要频繁补气,补气过程不仅需要购买昂贵的气体,还涉及人工操作成本和设备停机时间成本。例如,在工业生产中,频繁的设备停机进行补气操作会严重影响生产效率,导致生产成本大幅增加。而睿米漏孔的低衰减特性有效避免了这些问题,降低了长期使用成本。

    • 由于漏率稳定性高,不需要像其他稳定性较差的漏孔那样频繁校准。校准操作需要使用专业的校准设备、消耗标准气体,并且需要投入人工时间。频繁校准不仅增加了直接成本,还可能因校准过程中的停机时间影响生产进度。睿米漏孔减少了校准频率,从而降低了校准所需的标准气体消耗、设备使用以及人工操作等成本,同时也减少了因校准不及时可能导致的测量误差而引发的产品质量风险成本。

  2. 耐操性降低维修与更换成本

    • 其抗震、抗摔、抗高压冲击、防堵塞性好,在运输、安装和使用过程中能够抵御各种意外情况。传统漏孔通常需要 “细心呵护”,在运输时要用防震棉,使用时要轻拿轻放,否则容易损坏,甚至出现过 30% - 40% 的损坏案例。而睿米漏孔即使在较为恶劣的环境下或受到一定程度的意外冲击,仍能保持正常工作,减少了因损坏而需要维修或更换的频率,降低了维修和更换零部件的成本,以及因设备故障导致的停机损失成本。


  1. 长期成本效益显著

    • 虽然睿米标准漏孔在采购初期价格可能相对较高,但从长期来看,其使用寿命长和维护成本低的优势使其总成本更低。考虑设备的全生命周期成本,包括采购成本、使用过程中的维护成本(如补气、校准、维修更换等)以及设备更新成本,睿米漏孔在使用多年后的总成本往往低于其他品牌。例如,假设其他品牌漏孔平均使用寿命为 3 年,采购成本为 1 万元,每年维护成本(包括频繁补气、校准和较高的维修更换概率)为 5000 元,3 年总成本为 2.5 万元,且 3 年后可能需要重新采购设备。而睿米漏孔采购成本为 1.5 万元,使用寿命可达 10 年以上,每年维护成本仅 1000 元左右,10 年总成本约为 2.5 万元,但在这期间无需重新采购设备,且性能始终稳定,长期成本效益明显。

  2. 提高生产效率降低隐性成本

    • 睿米标准漏孔的稳定性和可靠性有助于提高生产效率,减少因漏孔性能问题导致的生产中断、次品率增加等隐性成本。在一些对产品质量和生产连续性要求较高的行业,如半导体制造、汽车零部件生产等,使用其他品牌漏孔可能因漏率不稳定、易损坏等问题导致生产过程中的频繁调整和废品产生。而睿米漏孔能够始终保持精准的漏率输出,减少了生产过程中的波动和不确定性,提高了产品合格率,降低了废品处理成本和因生产中断造成的时间成本,进一步提升了总成本优势。

  3. 降低综合管理成本

    • 由于睿米标准漏孔维护需求低,企业在设备管理方面可以投入更少的人力和物力。不需要专门安排大量人员负责漏孔的频繁维护和监控,减少了人力资源成本。同时,也降低了因设备管理不善可能导致的各种风险成本,如因漏孔故障未及时发现而引发的安全事故或生产延误等。从整体企业运营管理的角度来看,降低了综合管理成本,提高了企业的运营效率和经济效益。



In-depth Analysis of the Cost Advantages of RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards

I. Advantage in Service Life

  1. Advanced Technology Ensures Structural Stability

    • The RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards adopt the self-developed RMI - MTC™ microchannel capillary technology. Its unique structural design makes the leak channel close to an ideal circular tube shape, with a uniform diameter ranging from 50nm to 200μm, following precise conductance laws and having no directional differences. This technological feature enables the leak standard to maintain the integrity and stability of its structure when enduring long-term pressure changes and various complex working conditions. For example, in the semiconductor manufacturing process, which requires long-term and high-precision control of gas leakage, the stable structure of the RealMeter leak standard can continuously meet the process requirements. In contrast, leak standards made by traditional technologies are prone to deformation after pressure fluctuations or long-term use due to structural defects, leading to changes in the leak rate and thus shortening the service life.

    • The application of the RMI - Metal™ metal sealing technology is one of the key factors in extending the service life of the RealMeter leak standard. This technology makes the sealing performance of the leak standard reach the industry-leading level, with a sealing grade higher than that of ordinary sealing technologies by 5 - 6 orders of magnitude. It effectively prevents gas adsorption and leakage, ensuring the stability of the internal environment of the leak standard. In high-vacuum or applications with extremely high requirements for gas purity, such as the vacuum system of an electron microscope or high-end scientific research experimental equipment, the RealMeter leak standard can maintain a stable working state for a long time, avoiding performance degradation caused by sealing problems and thereby prolonging the service life.

  2. Excellent Performance Resists Environmental Impact

    • The RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards exhibit excellent leak rate stability, with a temperature coefficient of only 0.1%/℃. This means that within a wide temperature range, the leak rate of the standard is hardly affected by temperature fluctuations. Whether in high-temperature industrial production environments or low-temperature scientific research experimental conditions, its leak rate can remain highly consistent. In comparison, the leak rate of traditional leak standards is extremely sensitive to temperature. Even a slight temperature change can cause a large deviation in the leak rate, leading to inaccurate measurement results, unstable equipment performance, and thus accelerating the wear and tear of the leak standard and shortening its effective service life.

    • Its outstanding resistance to vibration, impact, high pressure, and anti-clogging capabilities further enhance the durability of the product. In practical applications, the leak standard may experience bumps during transportation, collisions during installation, and pressure shocks during normal operation. The RealMeter leak standard has undergone strict tests and can still work normally under extreme conditions such as violent impacts and freezing in a refrigerator, while traditional leak standards are easily damaged and even irreparable under similar circumstances. In the automotive manufacturing industry, the leak standard equipment on the production line needs to be frequently moved and withstand certain mechanical vibrations. The high tolerance of the RealMeter leak standard enables it to adapt to this complex environment, reducing the replacement frequency due to accidental damage and significantly prolonging the service life.

II. Advantage in Maintenance Cost

  1. Low Attenuation Characteristic Reduces Maintenance Frequency

    • The extremely low attenuation rate of the RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards plays a crucial role in reducing maintenance costs. For active leak standards with a leak rate of <1×10⁻⁶mbar·L/sec, they do not require gas refilling throughout their life cycle, achieving true maintenance-free operation. For example, in the ground test equipment of the aerospace industry, using the RealMeter leak standard can avoid frequent gas refilling operations, reducing equipment downtime and labor costs caused by gas refilling. Even for leak standards with a higher leak rate of 5×10⁻²mbar·L/sec, combined with the unique zero-volume valve body design of RealMeter, they can also go without gas refilling for several years, greatly reducing the maintenance workload and related costs. In contrast, other brands of leak standards may require regular gas refilling. Each gas refill not only requires the purchase of expensive gas but also involves the operation of professional personnel and production losses caused by equipment downtime.

    • Due to the stable leak rate, the RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards do not require frequent calibration. The calibration process consumes a large amount of standard gas, uses professional calibration equipment, and takes up a certain amount of labor time. In large-scale industrial production, frequent calibration will seriously affect production efficiency and increase production costs. The RealMeter leak standard, with its stable performance, reduces the number of calibrations, lowers the consumption of standard gas, equipment wear and tear, and labor costs during the calibration process, and also reduces the product quality risk caused by calibration errors.

  2. Good Tolerance Reduces Repair and Replacement Needs

    • The excellent resistance to vibration, impact, high pressure, and anti-clogging performance of the RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards effectively reduces the repair and replacement needs caused by accidental damage and clogging. During transportation and installation, traditional leak standards are fragile and easily affected by factors such as collisions and vibrations, resulting in damage and inability to function properly, requiring repair or replacement. The RealMeter leak standard can withstand these common accidental situations, reducing the risk of damage during transportation and installation. In the electronic equipment manufacturing industry, the production line has extremely high requirements for the stability and reliability of the leak standard. The tolerance of the RealMeter leak standard ensures that it is not prone to failure during long-term use, reducing the downtime and cost increase caused by equipment repair or replacement. In addition, its anti-clogging property also reduces the performance degradation and repair needs caused by impurity clogging, further reducing the maintenance cost.

III. Advantage in Total Cost

  1. Significantly Reduced Long-term Comprehensive Cost

    • Although the RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards may have a relatively higher price in the initial purchase stage, their advantages in service life and maintenance cost make the long-term comprehensive cost much lower than that of other brands. From the perspective of the full life cycle cost of the equipment, including the purchase cost, maintenance cost during use (such as gas refilling, calibration, repair and replacement, etc.), and equipment renewal cost, the RealMeter leak standard shows excellent cost performance. For example, in a 10-year industrial production project, if other brands of leak standards are used, the equipment may need to be replaced every 3 - 5 years. Each replacement not only requires payment for equipment purchase but also involves installation and commissioning costs and production interruption losses caused by equipment replacement. In contrast, the RealMeter leak standard does not need to be replaced within 10 years due to its long service life, and the annual maintenance cost is relatively low, thus greatly reducing the total cost of the entire project cycle.

  2. Quality Cost Control Improves Economic Benefits

    • As an important part of quality control, the stability of the RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards is crucial for reducing quality costs. During the production process, unstable leak standards can lead to measurement errors, which in turn affect product quality. For example, in the food packaging industry, if the leak rate of the leak standard is unstable, it may lead to inaccurate detection of packaging sealing, allowing unqualified products to enter the market, causing quality problems and recall risks, and increasing the enterprise's quality costs, including customer compensation and brand reputation losses. The high precision and stability of the RealMeter leak standard can ensure the accuracy of product quality control, reduce the defective product rate caused by leak standard problems, improve the product qualification rate, and thus reduce the quality cost and enhance the economic benefits of the enterprise.

  3. Production Efficiency Improvement Brings Hidden Cost Savings

    • The reliability of the RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards helps improve production efficiency and reduces hidden costs such as production interruptions and adjustments caused by equipment failure or unstable performance. In high-precision industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, the production process has extremely high requirements for gas leakage control. Any instability of the leak standard may lead to inaccurate gas leakage detection in the chip production process, which in turn affects the chip quality, resulting in increased waste products and production delays. The RealMeter leak standard can always maintain an accurate leak rate output, ensuring the continuity and stability of the production process, improving production efficiency, reducing the cost of waste product disposal, the time cost caused by production delays, and the additional production costs that may be brought about by rush work, further enhancing its advantage in total cost.

The RealMeter Calibrated Leak Standards have obvious advantages in service life, maintenance cost, and total cost. Their advanced technology and excellent performance not only ensure the long-term stable operation of the product itself and reduce the direct maintenance cost but also effectively control the quality cost and hidden cost by improving the product quality control level and production efficiency, providing a cost-effective solution for enterprises, especially those industries with strict quality control requirements, complex production environments, long-term operation, and focus on cost-effectiveness.







