睿米 ® 标准漏孔:全球行业领导者,开启漏孔技术新纪元
RealMeter® Calibrated Leak Standard: The global industry leader, inaugurating a new era of leak technology.
在标准漏孔领域,睿米 ® 凭借卓越性能、创新工艺和广泛应用,成为全球行业领导者。我们的标准漏孔产品性能指标全面超越国内外同类产品,使用寿命更长,服务众多知名企业和科研机构,如H 公司、B 公司、C 公司、A 公司、T 公司、中国工程物理研究院、上海光源等。
In the field of calibrated leak standards, RealMeter® has become the global industry leader by virtue of its excellent performance, innovative technology and wide applications. The performance indicators of our calibrated leak standard products comprehensively surpass similar products at home and abroad. They have a longer service life and serve many well-known enterprises and scientific research institutions, such as Anhui Wanyi Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Huawei, BYD, CATL, Apple, Tesla, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, etc.

1. 率先突破极低漏率检测:睿米 ® 是全球第一个推出 10⁻¹¹、10⁻¹²、10⁻¹³pa.m³/sec 通道型 He 标准漏孔的企业,填补了行业空白,为高精度漏率检测提供了可能。
2. 新能源电池检测变革者:作为新能源动力电池包 H₂检测规模应用的先驱,睿米 ® 是唯一的 H₂标准漏孔提供商,推动新能源汽车行业发展。
3. 极致零体积阀创新:真正实现零体积阀(<0.1μL, 0.00098cm³)标准漏孔,解决大漏率漏孔系统瞬间冲击和衰减过快问题。
4. 背压式漏孔与仿真技术:全球首个推出背压式标准漏孔 / 动力电池 pack 泄漏模拟仿真,背压体积 50μL,助力电池包密封测试。
5. 液态标准漏孔开拓者:成功研发十二烷 C₁₂H₂₆液态标准漏孔,拓展标准漏孔应用领域。
I. Global pioneering technology, leading industry development
Taking the lead in breaking through extremely low leak rate detection: RealMeter® is the first enterprise in the world to launch 10⁻¹¹, 10⁻¹², and 10⁻¹³ pa.m³/sec channel-type He calibrated leak standards, filling the gap in the industry and providing the possibility for high-precision leak rate detection.
A revolutionary in new energy battery detection: As a pioneer in the large-scale application of H₂ detection for new energy power battery packs, RealMeter® is the only provider of H₂ calibrated leak standards, promoting the development of the new energy vehicle industry.
Extremely innovative zero-volume valve: Truly realizing a zero-volume valve (<0.1μL, 0.00098cm³) calibrated leak standard, solving the problems of instantaneous impact and excessive attenuation of large leak rate leak hole systems.
Back pressure calibrated leak and simulation technology: The world's first to launch back pressure calibrated leak standard / power battery pack leakage simulation. The back pressure volume is 50μL, helping battery pack sealing tests.
A pioneer in liquid calibrated leak standards: Successfully developed dodecane C₁₂H₂₆ liquid calibrated leak standards, expanding the application field of calibrated leak standards.
传统标准漏孔易损坏,使用限制多,如 “精密器件,常温使用,不能震动、磕碰,保持环境干净”。运输、安装损坏率高,支持压力小(一般<2MPa),漏率衰减大需定期补气,维护复杂、成本高,易堵塞导致漏率不准,且仅适用于常温环境,温度变化对漏率影响大(如渗透型漏孔温度变化 ±10℃,漏率变化 ±40%)。
睿米 ® 标准漏孔彻底改变现状,具有暴力抗震抗摔、抗高低温(-20 - 65℃)特性,漏率精准、稳定,几乎不受温度影响(温度变化 ±10℃漏率仅变化 ±1%)。在暴力测试中,如冰箱急冻、砸摔后,漏孔工作正常,展现技术领先优势。
II. Traditional leak hole defects completely overcome by RealMeter.
Traditional calibrated leak standards are prone to damage and have many usage limitations, such as "precision device, for use at room temperature only. It cannot be vibrated, knocked or bumped. Keep the environment clean." The damage rate during transportation and installation is high. The supported pressure is small (generally <2 MPa). The leak rate attenuates greatly and requires regular gas replenishment. The maintenance is complex and costly. It is easily clogged, resulting in inaccurate leak rate. Moreover, it is only applicable to room temperature environments, and temperature changes have a great impact on the leak rate (for example, for permeation-type leak holes, a ±10°C temperature change results in a ±40% leak rate change).
RealMeter® calibrated leak standards completely change the current situation. They have the characteristics of violent shock resistance, drop resistance, and resistance to high and low temperatures (-20 - 65°C). The leak rate is accurate and stable, and is almost unaffected by temperature (a ±10°C temperature change results in only a ±1% change in leak rate). In violent tests, such as rapid freezing in a refrigerator and being smashed and dropped, the leak hole works normally, demonstrating its leading technological advantages.
1. RMI-MTC™微通道毛细管工艺
1. 接近理想圆管(50nm - 200μm),无方向性,遵循流导规律,孔径均匀,性能远超传统工艺。
2. 支持漏率精确定制,可根据客户需求制作合适孔径和长度,公差可达 ±2%,远超市面模拟 / 仿真标准漏孔(仅同一量级漏率)。
3. 抗震、抗摔、抗堵塞能力强,最高支持 6000Psi(>40Mpa)压力,普通工艺仅支持 1Mpa 或 2Mpa 且易损坏。
4. 漏孔支持高压(40Mpa),漏率稳定,可模拟各种工况和漏率,工作温度范围广(-20 - 65℃),适用于复杂恶劣环境,全气体类型支持(包括混气)。
2. RMI-Metal™金属密封工艺
1. 密封性能领先业界 5 - 6 个量级,解决传统工艺吸气、释气问题,满足最高真空度、洁净等级要求,如 RGA、半导体领域。
III. Self-developed process innovation leads to outstanding and leading performance.
RMI-MTC™ microchannel capillary process
Close to an ideal circular tube (50nm - 200μm), non-directional, following the conductance law, with uniform pore size. Its performance far surpasses traditional processes.
Supports precise customization of leak rate. Appropriate pore size and length can be made according to customer needs, with a tolerance up to ±2%, far exceeding simulated/simulated calibrated leak standards on the market (only leak rates in the same order of magnitude).
Strong resistance to shock, drop, and clogging. It can support a maximum pressure of 6000Psi (>40Mpa), while ordinary processes can only support 1Mpa or 2Mpa and are easily damaged.
The leak hole supports high pressure (40Mpa), and the leak rate is stable. It can simulate various working conditions and leak rates. It has a wide working temperature range (-20 - 65°C) and is suitable for complex and harsh environments. It supports all gas types (including mixed gases).
RMI-Metal™ metal sealing process
1. 全气体支持:涵盖 He、H₂、各种混合气、冷媒 / 卤素 / 制冷剂、液体(如 DMC 电解液、十二烷 C₁₂H₂₆)等。
2. 全量程、全压力定制
1. 漏率范围 100mbar.L/s - 5x10⁻¹²mbar.L/s,压力 0 - 40Mpa。
2. 有源漏孔(带气室):抗震抗摔、超高压力、极低衰减、温度系数 0.1%/℃,工作温度 - 20 - 65℃,He 和其他气体(含混合气)有源漏孔负压 / 正压漏率范围明确,可定制气室规格、阀门类型、接口类型。
3. 无源漏孔(所有气体):负压 / 正压漏率范围广,压力 0 - 40Mpa,接口类型多样,可根据客户需求定制,如模拟高压油轨、动力电池 pack、微流量发生器、空调压缩机氢测等不同场景漏孔。
3. 产品形态多样
1. 有源漏孔(带气室)、开放式无源漏孔、真空漏孔、正压漏孔、背压式标准漏孔、可调漏率标准漏孔、卤素 / 冷媒 / 制冷剂标准漏孔、气密性漏孔、零体积手动阀 / 主动关闭气动阀标准漏孔、混气标准漏孔、液态标准漏孔、高压标准漏孔,接口类型丰富,阀门类型多样。
IV. Rich product series to meet diverse needs.
Full gas support: covering He, H₂, various mixed gases, refrigerants/halogens/refrigerants, liquids (such as DMC electrolyte, dodecane C₁₂H₂₆), etc.
Full range and full pressure customization.
Leak rate range from 100 mbar.L/s to 5x10⁻¹² mbar.L/s, pressure from 0 to 40 MPa.
Active leak hole (with gas chamber): shock-resistant and drop-resistant, ultra-high pressure, extremely low attenuation, temperature coefficient of 0.1%/℃, working temperature from -20 to 65℃. The negative/positive pressure leak rate range of active leak holes for He and other gases (including mixed gases) is clear. The gas chamber specifications, valve types, and interface types can be customized.
Passive leak hole (for all gases): wide negative/positive pressure leak rate range, pressure from 0 to 40 MPa, diverse interface types, and can be customized according to customer needs, such as leak holes for different scenarios such as simulated high-pressure fuel rails, power battery packs, micro-flow generators, and hydrogen detection of air conditioning compressors.
Diversified product forms.
Active leak hole (with gas chamber), open passive leak hole, vacuum leak hole, positive pressure leak hole, back pressure calibrated leak hole, adjustable leak rate calibrated leak hole, halogen/refrigerant/refrigerant calibrated leak hole, airtight leak hole, zero-volume manual valve/actively closed pneumatic valve calibrated leak hole, mixed gas calibrated leak hole, liquid calibrated leak hole, high-pressure calibrated leak hole. Rich interface types and diverse valve types.
1. 超高压力与极低衰减:无源标准漏孔支持 40Mpa 压力,有源漏孔支持 12Mpa(远超同行 1 - 2Mpa),同等条件下衰减率低,如<1x10⁻⁶mbar.L/sec 有源标准漏孔生命周期无需补气免维护,大漏率结合零体积阀体数年无需补气,降低维护成本。
2. 抗震抗摔抗堵塞:RMI-MTC™微通道漏孔支持抗震、抗摔、耐高压冲击,抗堵塞性好,经暴力测试(跌落、砸摔、冷冻)仍正常工作,改变传统漏孔易损现状。
3. 环境适应性强:抗震抗摔,抗超高压力反复冲击(最高 40Mpa),温度支持 - 20 - 65℃,漏率受温度影响小(0.1%/℃),适用于恶劣环境和高端领域。
V. Outstanding performance indicators far surpass competing products.